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      Mug Fundraiser

      The perfect complement to your fundraising programme, with the same great customer support and quality of products you are accustomed to with My Art Project.

      Your ‘Mug Project’ is presented as a fun, quick and easy fundraiser. Ideally suited for Spring and Summer months, personalised artwork can embrace popular themes, or your own ideas, local celebrations or anniversaries.

      As with all our art projects, we encourage individual creativity, experimenting with materials and new techniques. Bold, bright colours, collage, layering etc. Ask for more information about what works well, and what to avoid.

      Finally, every personalised mug sold will raise valuable funds towards your school, PTA or chosen charity.

      How does it work.

      • Get in touch to save your slot in our production, and set a few target dates.
      • Blank templates with order forms are delivered to school along with hints and tips for superb results.
      • Each child takes home their own original artwork, for parents to view and order their mugs as keepsakes or gifts. Parents must then return the artwork to school, so it can be sent to us.
      • Once we receive the artwork and orders, our team will process and carefully print your beautiful mugs.
      • Fulfilled orders are delivered back to school for distribution to parents.

      How long to complete this project?

      How long you need to complete a mug project depends on your school size and how the artwork sessions are timetabled, but it is feasible to complete in four weeks:

      • Set aside an ‘art week’ for artwork completion x1 week
      • Send order forms home for parents to fill in and return x 1 week
      • Our production time is approx. x2 weeks

      We want to run a mug fundraiser…

      Get in touch today, either call us on 01386 898464, email info@myartproject.co.uk or fill in our online contact form. Our team are ready to support your next fabulous fundraiser.

      We look forward to hearing from you.